Saturday, January 26, 2013

Food In The Philippines

Last month I went to the Philippines  with my dad. Here are some of the foods I ate:

1. I ate a lot of rice and I mean a lot of rice. I ate it in every meal of the day. One time for breakfast, my grandma made me bacon, eggs, and rice.  Here I would have bacon, eggs, and maybe with slices of potatoes. 

2. fish balls (and it's what you think.)

3. pigs skin- it's really, really crunchy

4. pigs feet- it tastes like chicken

Every day me and my dad went to Starbucks.  My dad got coffee and I got banana bread with orange juice 

Another reason we went to Starbucks is there's WiFi and for the air conditioning because its dying hot there.

Bacon, Eggs, and Rice

Fish Balls- I didn't really like these.  It tasted like ravioli filled with fish.

This is me trying the pig skin.  Very crunchy.

Pigs feet-it taste like chicken and it looks like chicken wings!