Did you know the factory has gone from making 200 bags a day to 350,000 bags a day? Did you also know that it takes 4 pounds of POTATOES to make 1 pound of potatoes CHIPS? At the gift shop they were giving out free potato chips,there was original and reduced fat. We bought 5 flavors: original, sea salt & cracked pepper,sour cream & green onion,sweet mesquite barbecue,and last we had waffle cut chips sea salt.
At my grandma and papa's house we tasted the flavors. We all gave the flavors points 1-10. Sweet mesquite barbecue came in last with 36 and a half points, it tasted like a barbecue chips. Sea salt & cracked pepper came in 4th with 38 points, very spicy after taste. My favorite was sour cream & green onions and that came in 3rd with 39 points. It was great. Original came in 2nd with 51 points. I thought it was so so. And in first... drum roll please... waffle cut chips sea salt with a 53 points!!